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Welcome to ArtForms, a Joomla's forms component!
The ArtForms component is a package for an easy From Generator for Joomla 1.0.xx. It allows you to generate as much Forms as you like, you can define all fields that you need and also make file upload and attachment possible. The idea of the ArtForms is to give a tool that is enabling you to create a dynamic forms in minutes within your Joomla! CMS.
The key features are:
* Possibility for create an unlimited amount of forms with unlimited fields
and contents.
* Possibility to edit component's css, language, settings and update easy from
old versions.
* Optional you can save all recived forms in database.
* Custom Lay-out for every field.
* View recived forms in FrontEnd.
* Joomla's SEF support and added sh404sef support.
* Joomfish support.
* Database Backups and easy updates from previous versions.
* Captcha support with optional systems for every form (Alikon Mod, CaptchaForm,
CaptchaTalk, reCaptcha, Alikon Mambot, SecurityImages and EasyCaptcha.
* Language and Captcha audio support for spanish, english, german, hungarian,
dutch, turkish, brazilian portuguese, french, italian and polish (polish
without audio files).
* And much more!
The ArtForms 2.1 project is a so called JArtForms and it's maintained by InterJoomla.
You can find the project homepage, forum and all additional information at http://jartforms.interjoomla.com.ar/ or in the Joomla! developer forge at http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/jartforms/.
When ever you have questions or new ideas please visit this page and post your comments there. The project is willing to support you in any questions.
Please understand that InterJoomla or any other developer can only support you thru these plattforms. We normally will not answer direct emails or support requests. Thank's for your understanding.
It is in the responsibility of the 3rd Party developer to provide the required translation files but generally there is no limitation in the structure or information you want to make translatabe. If you translate it in your anguage please send me a copy to add it in to tha official package.
In version 2.1 b7 you get spanish, english, german, hungarian, dutch, turkish, brazilian portuguese, italian and polish languages files. French and Polish too but incomplete with some texts in english yet.
Please, if you can translate this or make a new language translation send me a copy to integrate your language into official package!
- ArtForms uses Joomla's mail settings!!! check if that has been setted
- For make menus you MUST download ArtFormsMenu-j10-2.1.b6-english.zip at
joomlacode (spanish available also). If not you only can made url links.
- Update-Package is only for update files with a ftp client, then you need go to
update task and perform updates for your last ArtForms version (make a backup
before that).
- Added FCKEditor Frontend support (of course you need to have installed it).
- Added Easy Captcha support and fixed bugs with Security Images Component
support (of course you need to have installed both).
- When you update from old versions please don't forget to perform updates and
check settings!
! Frontend recived forms was disabled by default, if you need that please check
settings. If you need to create a menu use URL option and write one of these:
" /index.php?option=com_artforms&task=ferforms " or
" /index.php?option=com_artforms&task=tferforms " .
- See changelog.